First Semester

BIOC 316       FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY                                                      (3 UNITS)

Course Purpose

This course is aimed at acquainting students in the biochemistry involved in the changes in raw foods, food processing, and food spoilage and be able to explain how these processes are addressed by the food industry.


BIOC 315       BIOMEMBRANES                                                                (3 UNITS)

Course Purpose

This course serves to enable students acquire an understanding on the fundamentals of biological membrane structure and function as well as the transport and energy transduction processes that occur in or across biological membranes.


BIOC 313       MICROBIAL BIOCHEMISTRY                                          (3 UNITS)

Course Purpose

This course serves to equip students with an understanding of the distinct structural and metabolic characteristics common in different microorganisms and provide practical applications that have arisen because of these occurrences

BIOC 312       BIOCHEMISTRY OF GENE EXPRESSION                       (3 UNITS)

Course Purpose

The purpose of this course is to equip students with an understanding of genome organization and biochemistry of nucleic acids biosynthesis that is replication, transcription and translation. Also, genetic transfer mechanisms and some practical applications of nucleic acid biochemistry will be elaborated.

Course Purpose

The course aims at equipping students with an understanding of the cellular pathways involved in the metabolism of lipids, vitamins, and nucleic acids including their biological significance.

Course Purpose

This course serves to enable students acquire an understanding on the fundamentals of protein structure and function, protein-ligand interactions and enzymology