- Teacher: jacob makila
1. Purpose of the Course
This is the second part of the introductory physics course. The course reviews basic
topics in electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics.
2. Course Objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
a) Define electric charge and describe its behaviour.
b) Define and solve simple problems on electric forces and fields of discrete
c) Carry out simple analysis of dc and ac circuits using Ohm’s law.
d) Describe basic magnetic phenomenon.
e) Explain how electromagnetism is produced and hence the operation of a
f) Describe basic properties of light (reflection and refraction) and optical
devices operating on these quantities.
g) Describe wave nature of light – interference and diffraction.
h) Describe the structure of an atom and binding energies;
i) Describe radioactivity both quantitatively and qualitatively.
3. Course Content
Electricity and magnetism: basic electrical concepts: electric charges, electric forces,
electric field, current and voltage, ohms law, series and parallel resistive circuits.
Properties of magnetic materials and their uses. Direct and alternating current,
behaviour of R, L and C (resistance, inductance and capacitance). Measurement of R,
L and C. Basic electronics: Diode and rectification; Transistors characteristics and
application. Working principle and application of the cathode ray oscilloscope
Optics: Particle and wave theories. Review of mirrors and lenses. Defects in lenses.
Different kinds of microscopes and telescopes. Phenomena of interference, diffraction
and polarisation and their applications.
Modern physics: Atomic structure: Bohr's theory and Heisenberg's quantum concept.
Explanation of atomic spectra, X-rays. Structure of the nucleus. Natural and artificial
radioactivity and its applications. Introduction to Nuclear fission, fusion and nuclear
- Teacher: Cosmas Ronno